Friday, 6 September 2013

Specific markers when observing a language class


Observe Nhlanhla Phakathi teaching Grade 8.
Focus on observing: 
  1. Student behaviour in class, including
  2. Work ethic and engagement
  3. English home language student in the class
More specific markers:
  1. Possible engagement strategies
  2. Bringing of correct equipment
  3. Writing down important things
  4. Noise making and trouble makers
  5. Friendships
  6. Sleeping students
  7. Cold call - response of the class

The lessons

Day 1: 

Introduce fairytales in general

Start in a circle (Link to relationship with grandmothers. Grandmothers traditionally tell fairytales, not mothers. Fairytales traditionally told in a circle setting. Link to differences in generations now days. Students aren’t as close to their grandparents anymore)
Discuss definition of a fairytale
  • Verbal definition (link to the traditionally verbal nature of fairytales)
  • Then go to write definition in their book once they can repeat it verbally
Discuss 4 types of fairytale (people, animals, people and animals, nature)
  • Verbally initially
  • Then go and write down the 4 types once they can repeat verbally 
Day 2:

Example of a fairytale
Discuss in groups
Identify main characters – To justify the “type” of fairytale

Monday, 2 September 2013

Grade 6 Summative Assessment Feedback

The Intermediate Phase has spent time presenting an overview of recent Units and have focused specifically on the way assessment played out in these Units. Group reflection has raised the level of thinking about effective assessment.